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Liberal radio talk show hosts?

Ann cracks me up:

"If liberals cared about ideas or knew any facts, they would cease being liberals. Even the audience for the left's government-supported radio network, National Public Radio, has more conservative listeners than liberal listeners. According to a Pew Research Center study released last summer, conservatives consume far more news than liberals--including listening to NPR and watching PBS more than liberals. (As Mickey Kaus said, 'No wonder conservatives are so pissed off.') "Liberalism thrives on ignorance. Their media are 'Lifetime: TV for Women,' NBC's 'The West Wing' and 4 billion 'Law and Order' episodes in which the perp turns out to be a Christian, white male who recites the Second Amendment before disemboweling a poor minority child. "Liberal persuasion consists of the highbrow sneer from self-satisfied snobs ladled out for people with a 40 IQ. This is not an ideology that can withstand several hours a day of caller scrutiny where their goofball notions can be shot down by any truck driver with a cell phone."

I don't know why my wife watches "Law & Order," "NYPD Blue," et al, when she spends half the episode complaining how the cops twist citizens' rights to gather evidence and/or get a confession. No, she's not a criminal attorney, but yes, she is a lawyer and remembers all of this good constitutional stuff from law school. (Thanks, Rick!)