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TypePad going live

Ben and Mena's latest venture is in the growing pain of going live, with a "Preview Release Launch" later tonight. Jon's been a beta tester, as has Raena. The features are impressive, and the pricing is really, really good. It's going to kick LiveJournal's butt, and, unfortunately, may steal business from friends. I have to agree with Raena in that I won't be moving my blog over to the service, comfortable in rolling my own, and looking forward to MovableType Pro. I have a sysadmin at my beck and call (pretty much) who owns and runs the server my site is hosted on. If I get in to any kind of Unix-ey or web server-related trouble, Jim's the man on getting it all fixed. Not to mention that we now have a nightly backup system in place, and Jim's 'net connection is a heckuva lot more stable, not to mention faster on the upload, than mine. Our "new" server went online over the weekend, and all of us type-A control freaks are happy with having the nuts and bolts so close. So lots of luck to the Trotts & Co., and all you TypePadders present and future!