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SpamSieve 2.1

Michael released version 2.1 of SpamSieve today. This version adds more support to Apple Mail that was begun in version 2.0.2, as well as numerous other improvements. There's a new Training Tip window that offers advice on how to improve the app's accuracy. The Entourage address book can now be used as a white list, something that will come in handy for me at my new job. And I swear this thing just keeps getting faster. With its tight integration with Mailsmith, I hardly know it's running at all, though I most certainly know that it's working. Over the past couple of weeks, I've gotten two false positives--relatives who had never emailed me before--and a few false negatives from new spam that was swiftly added to the corpus and now flow in to the Trash. SpamSieve 2.1 requires Mac OS X 10.2.6 or later, and is the best $25 a Mac user can spend.