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SpamSieve 2.1.2

Well I hope no one out there is relying on me for up-to-date SpamSieve release information. I have been woefully remiss this week in my completely unpaid, totally biased evangelism of SpamSieve as the ultimate spam killer for the individual Mac user. Complete list of changes are here, and Michael notes full support for Apple Mail and the release of a Japanese localization. SpamSieve is worth twice what Michael prices it at in terms of time saved in dealing with e-mail spam. (And I'm sure he wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to send him extra dough on top of the normal SpamSieve registration.) As the Managing Editor for About This Particular Macintosh, I deal with all of the mail sent to the public ATPM e-mail addresses, and let me tell you, those addys get the bejeezus spammed out of them. SpamSieve makes it a breeze to deal with my ATPM e-mail each day. If you're still looking for a worthy spam killer for your Macintosh e-mail client, or you're new to the platform and want a great product to deal with the spam you will eventually receive, you can't go wrong with SpamSieve.