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Has the United States Postal Service installed one of the new automated postal machines in your local branch? They have in ours, and I wish they had about five more, so I wouldn't have to deal with people at all. Not that the Postal workers at our branch are rude or anything. They're actually quite nice. It's just that we have a busy branch, and only a single automated postal machine. Which is usually occupied by a lone individual with a dozen different packages, all a unique size and weight. I've taken to using the post office a bit more as of late for some of my minor shipping needs, and without fail, every time I go in, the automated system is being dominated by a person fitting the above description. By the time I wait in the eight-person-deep line to see one of the three desk workers, I'm getting to a live human the same time the automation-using yokel finishes. If there were more automated machines, I could have been out the door much sooner.