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It's about time

Tom asked, and Tiff said yes. I confess to being one of those who knew of Tom's plan ahead of time, but that's mostly because I've been annoying him about it for...well, a while. Though he had described the ring to me, I had not yet seen a photo of it. A fine job, my friend. Tom's plans were certainly more romantic than mine, but then my beloved knew it was coming. (Not at the exact moment it came, mind you, but it was something we had been talking about.) I like that the first person to know of their engagement was the park ranger; for us, it was our waitress at dinner an hour or so after I asked. Having been through the big wedding thing, I proffer this advice to Tiffany, who is already stressing: skip it. Take the money and run. Small, small, small, family and very close friends. I won't even sniffle over not getting an invitation. (Though an excuse to go to DC/Cali/wherever would be nice.) Congratulations you two, and may God bless you with a lifetime of happiness together.